
Representatives at CollEDGE Fair: Rosalie Saladziu (Associate Director of International Admission)

Popular Majors: Business and Economics, Liberal Arts (Social Sciences and Humanities), Visual Arts (Art, Design and Film), Performing Arts (Theater and Music)

Location: Boca Raton, Florida, U.S.A

Click to Download: Lynn University Brochure | Lynn University International Brochure

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Lynn University is located in one of the country’s most strategic international gateways with a thriving economy and diverse industries. South Florida is a major hub for international trade, finance, health care, agriculture and tourism industries. Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale and Miami are 3 major cities that surround us and are home to large national and global employers, including ADT Security, American Airlines, AutoNation, Carnival Cruise Lines, Jarden Consumer Solutions and Lennar. Forbes has identified South Florida as the 12th fastest-growing metro area with 7.37% projected wage growth. We also happen to be located in a tropical paradise with an average winter temperature of 27 degrees celsius and 8 km to the beach.

Our undergraduate population is comprised of 2,422 students. Each fall our incoming freshman class consists of approximately 825 students with 20% of our students being international. Lynn students come from 97 countries and 47 states. We are ranked #1 in the region for having the largest international student population. Our student to faculty ratio is 18:1 and average class size of 20. Lynn’s size is cozy and allows for students to make lifelong friendship and lasting relationships with their professors.