Muhlenberg College


Representatives at College Fair: Mandi Haines (Director of International Recruitment)

Popular Majors: Business & Economics, psychology, biology, media & communications, and theatre & dance.

Location: Allentown, Pennsylvania, U.S.A

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Quick Links:

College Website | Muhlenberg Social Media: Instagram | International Students FAQs | Financial Aid | Scholarship Information

Muhlenberg is a traditional liberal arts college located in Allentown, PA (140km from NYC/ 95km from Philadelphia). The undergraduate population is made up of 2140 students from over 36 states and 19 countries outside the US. Students choose from 38 majors and 35 minors, and have the option to self-design a major. Muhlenberg has one of the top theatre programs in the U.S. and is also well known for business administration, accounting, and health sciences. Many established partnerships exist with other institutions to link a Muhlenberg degree to a second degree at a larger institution of higher education.


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