Cornell College

CornellCollegeLogo - Marie Schofer.png
CornellCollegeAerial - Marie Schofer.jpg

Popular Majors: STEM, CS, Business and Economics, Liberal Arts (Social Sciences and Humanities)

Location: Mount Vernon, Iowa, U.S.A

Click to Download: Cornell College Brochure

Quick Links:

College Website | Cornell College Social Media: Facebook, Instagram , Twitter, Flickr, YouTube | International Students FAQ | Scholarship Info

Cornell College, a selective liberal arts college in Mount Vernon, Iowa, attracts a diverse, caring community. Cornellians have been living, learning, and teaching on the block plan, One Course At A Time, for 40 years. With students from nearly 50 states and 20 foreign countries, as well as renowned faculty, speakers, and entertainers, Cornell offers the world from its campus.


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