Artiste360 - The Art School - Artiste360 The Art School.png

Representatives at Get College Ready Fair: Kosha Shah (Head Mentor of Art Portfolio), Imran Jamadar (Head of Marketing)

Popular Subjects: Visual Arts (Art, Design and Film)

Location: India

Program offered to: Age 12 and above

Click to Download: Artiste360 Brochure

Quick Links:

Artiste360 Website | Social Media : Instagram, Facebook, YouTube

With a vision of providing high quality art education that caters to one’s capabilities and aren’t only student-centric but also deal with individuals of various age groups and professions, Mrs. Jain decided to establish a space that provides the joy of art through multiple mediums to people from various walks of life—which led to the creation of Artiste360 - The Art School.

Artiste360 - The Art School aims to build artistic mindsets in individuals through unique programs and workshops that fashion them into imaginative and independent thinkers and creators as we expose them to an all-round artistic development. Most of our courses are curated by our team and the artists recruited are from both national and international levels. Artiste360 is open to all who are curious and passionate about art.

With the aim of filling a gap in the current state of art education in our institutions, Artiste360 was created to cultivate alternative classrooms that are open-minded and encourage experimentation. We want to re-establish the fact that being a student never ends. You can continue to learn the practice of art no matter how far you have strayed from it and where in your life you might be.